Crazy, Sexy, Love

Building Positive Relationships

Just a Parking Spot!

This is a funny story that actually made my day! For some odd reason I decided to drive to campus today in high hopes that I would find the perfect FREE parking spot. Soooo I was driving around for at least 15 minutes and I saw a couple of spots but they were either meter spots or the spots was way too small. Everyone in Ann Arbor must have been looking for parking spots this day because it seemed like cars were following me the whole time! I finally saw the perfect spot that was FREE, in good walking distance, and not too small or too big! I noticed that another guy that was next to me wanted to get the exact same spot. And I couldn’t be mad because we technically pulled up at the same time. But knowing me I was going to take the spot regardless. I looked at his car and he rolled down the window and said “I know that you have been looking for a spot for a long time, you can take it”. (in my head I was thinking, “duhhh, I knew that” lol). But that kind gesture made me so happy. I realize more and more that it’s the little things that can change my mood and put a smile on my face!

So maybe YOU should keep this in mind next time your parking. Be kind to others because you just never know how that person can help you in the long run or what their situation may be that day! It’s more than just a parking spot!



Positive psychology is often presented as a feel good, everything is beautiful approach to the human condition. But part of what makes life worth living are achievement and success—doing well against objective standards of excellence. What really leads to success?!? According to past positive psychology research the formula for accomplishment is….

Accomplishment = opportunity + interest + ability + instruction and practice sustained over YEARs!

The 10,000 Hour Rule: It takes a certain degree of mastery over a domain in order for a creator to be successful. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!

 Lets Look @ these well-known people….

The Beatles: They played in every night club consistently and after a couple of years they logged more hours than any other musician at that time. Practice, Practice, practice! Bill Gates: As a 8th grader his school had free access to computers and he spent all his free time learning about programming and put in way over 10,000 hours! Thomas Edison: one of the most accomplished inventors of history, despite not being the brightest bulb (pun intended) in school, he perfected the electric light bulb by finding the right thread after trying over 6,000!

So what’s my point?! Its more than practice and that is makes perfection. When we accomplish things in life we are more happier, greater chance at success, healthier, and longer life expectancy. Find your passion and stick to it!  “Don’t give up though the pace seems slow– You may succeed with another blow…It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit”.

The Simple Things in Life

“The Lost Boys of Sudan”

The Lost Boys of Sudan is the name given to the groups of over 20,000 boys of the Nuer and Dinka ethnic groups who were displaced and/or orphaned during the Second Sudanese Civil War (1983–2005), about 2.5 million killed and millions were displaced. The name “Lost Boys of Sudan” was colloquially used by aid workers in the refugee camps where the boys resided in Africa. When the villages burned out the Boys walked for years….YES YEARS! They walked three moths barefoot. 1200 boys made it to the refugee camp and 1000-1200- died in the river during route. I could not even imagine! Every Sunday a plane arrived at their camp and they waited to see if they could go to America. They wanted to live the “American Dream”!!!! It was a group that was lost in time and never even saw a fork or knife. Several boys had to resort to eating mud to stay from dehydration. During an interview most of the boys stated that “education is there mother and father”!

Why optimism matters: Positive consequences

 • Freedom from mental health issues (depression, anxiety, etc.)

• Able to solve problems better

• Academic success

• Vocational success

• Athletic success

• Political success (positive candidate wins)

• Better stock market performance

Who is ANN and ARBOR?!

Other People Matter

“Other people matter” sounds like a bumper sticker slogan, but it is the single best one sentence summary of research findings from positive psychology. Consider the story of Ann Arbor and how it all began. Whether or not this story is true, it gives one a warm feeling because the town in which we live supposedly began with a friendship between two women, each named Ann!

“Ann Arbor, like many cities, has myths and legends surrounding its origins. Perhaps one of the most persistent over the years has been the myth of the city’s name. The most common story is that Ann Arbor was named after the wives of the founders, John Allen and Elisha Walker Rumsey. Legend has it that Ann Allen and Mary Ann Rumsey were fond of sitting under a wild grape arbor built for them by their husbands. John and Elisha were supposedly so fascinated by the beautiful sight of their wives relaxing in the shade of that arbor, they decided their newly purchased land should be named ‘Ann’s Arbor,’ a name later converted to Ann Arbor.”

Positive Psych research links “other people” to any and all form of doing well! People who are extraverted are happier than those who are not. And the happiest people all have good relationships with others. People with interpersonal strengths of character like love and gratitude are most satisfied!

I thought this was a cool story to share! Keep this in mind! 🙂

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus!

Why is the divorce rate sky high?! Like Crazy high! I’m talking over 40% high. The thought of those numbers are scary and some people keep these numbers in mind and therefore become intimated about marriage. Don’t be! I mean not that I would know much about being married because I’ve never been but I can say I don’t let the numbers/stats discourage me! I think it’s all about the foundation that should be in place BEFORE marriage and not AFTER. I think its important to keep a open line of communication at ALL TIMES no matter what the case. I’m a talker. I probably talk to much at times but I think its one of my biggest strengths.

So communicate with each other! I like to ask a million and nine questions and I get mad if you don’t want to answer them lol. Hey, that’s just my way of communicating. But what works for someone may not work for another. So you also have to understand and know the type of personality your up against. I just wanted to share my thoughts!

Follow this link that explains why so many couples divorce!


Tick Tock Tick Tock!

1 Coronthians 13

I’m not the most patient person and I’m not (by far) the best example but I’m working on it. (sorta kinda…) I can say this though; you wouldn’t be able to notice that I am a little impatient. Like a semi-sweet chocolate morsel, I’m just a semi-spoiled brat and when I don’t get my way I tend to react in a way that may cause you to get irritated. Others just laugh in my face lol and I fine with that too. Being the only girl of 3 growing up doesn’t help my case! (you have to understand it from my point of view…I can’t help my spoiled nature, right? ☺) My brothers taught me how to be strong but at the same time when I asked for something my family made it a point to attempt so I could get it. Now don’t get me wrong , I’m not that spoiled or impatient to the point that I don’t appreciate the things I have or take things for granted. Trust me, I am grateful for the relationships I have built both the long lasting and ones that didn’t last so long but taught me a valuable lessons.

Webster, family, and friends have all helped me to understand patience a little better. They say “patience is a virtue” is just a way of expressing the importance of being patient” Over time I have learned a valuable lesson about patience when it comes to relationships! For a long time it took me some time to realize that everything happens for a reason. I had to realize that some things are not supposed to be questioned and the best thing comes to those who wait – and I waited (can’t believe it? Me either) and my reward was great. I understand that patience is important in relationships, but lets be honest, ITS HARD. I would suggest that you all work on patience. 🙂




HAHAHAHA! The Power of Laughter!

They say communication is key right? But what about playful communication, laughter, humor, and just plain ole’ FUN! Have you ever laughed so hard that your stomach is hurting, you can hardly breath, and tears are slowly but surely falling down your face?!? If so, GREAT because in my opinion those are always the best laughs. Laughter can have a powerful effect on your health and well being. Not to mention it strengthens your stomach muscles. Anywho, I think a good laugh can have the ability to relieve tension and stress but at the same time provide a quick energy boost. Laughter can have the power to bring people together too. Mutual laughter and play are an essential component of strong, healthy relationships.

So make it a conscious effort to incorporate more humor and play into your daily interactions and I bet you can improve the quality of your love relationships in addition to your relationships with class peers, family members, and friends. I think playful communication is one of the ways you can keep relationships exciting, fresh, and fun! According to positive psychology, when you laugh with one another this creates a positive bond. And laughter really is contagious. Just hearing it primes your brain to smile, relax, and join in on the fun. Tell a joke, don’t take life so serious, put your feet up and enjoy the simple pleasures life has to offer!


Everybody wants to hear Wedding Bells…I think?

Many women dream of that special day. You know the one, where all of the attention is on her in that gorgeous white dress. The flowers, the decorations, the fancy cars and let’s not forget, her Prince Charming. Most women have an idea of what age they will be when Mr. Right asks her to spend the rest of her life with him. She has the colors picked out, the ideal season, the wedding party and even the guest list! To many women, the wedding day is the turning point in her life that will lead to her happily ever after. Many of us have focused (let’s be honest) so much time and thought on the wedding and the marriage that we have never spent enough time and energy on the most important part…preparing to become a wife!

I too get excited about being married and nervous all at the same time. I want to have a family and live the fairy tale princess life.My mother says marriage takes work! 24/7/365 work! Tanika Jones asked questions that she believed will help prepare people to be the best wife they can be. The first question was, “What are some things that you wish you would have done to prepare for marriage differently?” The other question was, “What advice would you give that would help me to be the wife that God calls women to be?” She have received great wisdom and advice from Godly women who have been married for close to 40 years! I would like to share that advice with others! Enjoy! ❤ Read more…

The Guy Next Door!

Where do I even begin?!? August 15, 2008! It seems so long ago but it feels like yesterday. The summer was coming to an end and I was getting ready to start school here at the University of Michigan! Yeppppp I was excited. I was thrilled to enter a new chapter of my life. My next-door neighbors were celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary so my mother and I decided to stop over there house for the BBQ! In the mist of great conversation with my mom and a few other people at the party I decided to grab some food, run inside to speak to my neighbors and wish them a Happy Anniversary! And nextttttttt thing you know, I turn around and its this creepy (creepy in a cute way) guy standing in my face! Lol! He introduces his self to me and at first I thought to myself “oh cool guy”. It was great to finally put a name with a face because I knew it was a new guy on the block that came here for school! He walked out the house and I shortly left behind him. I had something else to do that day so sadly I had to leave early. I saw him walking with 2 plates in his hand, YES TWO PLATES. He loves to eat!!! So at that moment I just knew he was going to ask me for my phone number. He was sad I had to leave early but that wasn’t the last time I saw him. We said out Goodbyes that day but that wasn’t the end! This day I met the guy I call the love of my life!

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